Liam Dougherty Springer, CPT, CES, C.H.E.K. Practitioner/HLC
“One of the first things I realized when I began coaching was that my primary role was to guide my client through a process of discovery and to provide the information they need to realize their desired change in life.”
Liam Dougherty Springer is a Healthy Living and Fitness Consultant with a broad and detailed training background including body mechanics, exercise, nutrition, and psycho-social wellbeing. Liam is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) and Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES) through PTA Global, and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). He is accredited as an exercise therapist through the Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology (CHEK) Institute in San Diego, CA, and is a C.H.E.K. Practitioner Level 2, which includes training to design highly specific corrective exercise programs. He has continued his education in the direction of Osteopathic Manual and Exercise therapy designed by internationally renowned Guy Voyer D.O., the founder of the E.L.D.O.A. Methodology.
Mr. Springer is highly trained and has consulted with hundreds of clients in the U.S. and internationally. He is a SomaTrainer and SomaTherapist in the U.S.A. and a D.O. Candidate 2020 in Canada and Europe. He has mentored under some of the most recognized coaches in Holistic Health. He has also completed the extensive Anthropedia Wellbeing Coach Training Course under the world’s leading researcher of mental wellbeing, Dr. Robert Cloninger M.D. and his associates.
Probably the most important determinant of his competency has been his personal dedication to exploration and measuring success by the results brought about in his clients. Extensive research into cytology, neuro-endocrine function, human psychology, and global adaptation and developmental stimulus has allowed a comprehensive view of human health and the ability to cooperate with practitioners to form integrated and analytical programs of intervention at every level.
SOMA Training and Therapy under Guy Voyer PhD., M.D., D.O.
Courses at various locations in U.S. And Canada.
Tissue Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, and Methods of acquiring adaptation through exercise and Manual Therapy
Anthropedia Coaching Certification
Anthropedia Foundation, 1033 Corporate Square Drive St. Louis, MO 63132
Comprehensive course work regarding all scientifically supported aspects of mental, physical, and spiritual health.
Advanced Corrective Exercise for Pain Management Mentorship
EastWest Healing & Performance, 3129 Tiger Run Ct Carlsbad, CA 92010
Nutrition Mentorship with Josh Rubin OTR/L, CNMT, D.O. Student (M.P.) of East West Healing and Performance, 3129 Tiger Run Ct. Carlsbad, CA 92010
Metabolic Blueprint coarse in Human Physiology and Nutritional influence in pathology and healing.
East West Healing and Performance, 3129 Tiger Run Ct Carlsbad, CA 92010
Navigating Emotional Processing and Spiritual Integration during Holistic Lifestyle Coaching Mentorship with JP Sears of Inner Awakenings, CHEK Institute Faculty highest Level Practitioner and HLC, Holistic Coach Advanced Practitioner through the Holistic Coaching Institute
Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology Institute – 380 South Melrose Drive Suite 415 Vista, CA 92081
C.H.E.K Practitioner Level 2
PTA Global Certified Personal Trainer
C.H.E.K Holistic Lifestyle Coach
Crossfit Certified Olympic Lift instructor
National Academy of Sports Medicine: Corrective Exercise Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer